Tutorials and exercises of Mathematics

A Course on Convex Geometry

Download A Course on Convex Geometry course, free PDF book by Daniel Hug, Wolfgang Weil University of Karlsruhe. - file type pdf and size 754.22 KB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry

Download An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry course, PDF book by Sigmundur Gudmundsson (Lund University). - file type pdf and size 492.37 KB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

A First Course in Curves and Surfaces

Download A First Course in Curves and Surfaces course, PDF book by Theodore Shifrin University of Georgia. - file type pdf and size 1.64 MB, tutorial for the level Intermediate .

A Course in Riemannian Geometry

Download A Course in Riemannian Geometry course, Free book by David R. Wilkins. - file type pdf and size 429.77 KB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

A Course in Metric Geometry

this is a textbook. Its structure is similar to that of a graduate course. A graduate course usually begins with a course description, and so do we. PDF book. - file type pdf and size 2.15 MB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

The calculus integral

Download The calculus integral course, a PDF book by Brian S. Thomson - Simon Fraser University. - file type pdf and size 1.68 MB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

Differential and integral calculus

Download Differential and integral calculus course, a PDF book by TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY. - file type pdf and size 752.5 KB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

Integral Calculus

The textbook for this course is Stewart: Calculus, Concepts and Contexts (2th ed.), Brooks/Cole. With few exceptions I will follow the notation in the book. PDF book. - file type pdf and size 527.42 KB, tutorial for the level Intermediate .

Understanding Basic Calculus

Download Understanding Basic Calculus, Sets, Real Numbers and Inequalities Functions and Graphs Limits Differentiation Applications of Differentiation Integration Trigonometric Functions Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. PDF book. - file type pdf and size 1.46 MB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

Introduction to Calculus - volume 2

This is the second volume of an introductory calculus presentation intended for future scientists and engineers. PDF book. - file type pdf and size 8 MB, tutorial for the level Intermediate .

Introduction to Calculus - volume 1

Download Introduction to Calculus, Sets, Functions, Graphs and Limits, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, course, PDF book. - file type pdf and size 6.71 MB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

Continuity and Limits of Functions

Download Continuity and Limits of Functions, Continuity Theorems, Sandwich, Composition and Trigonometric Continuity Theorems, exercices, PDF file. - file type pdf and size 1.12 MB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

Real Analysis

Download Real Analysis course, and especially for the reconsideration of the notion of integral and the invention of Lebesgue integration, which goes beyond the Riemannian integral familiar from classical calculus. PDF file. - file type pdf and size 937.31 KB, tutorial for the level Intermediate .

Limits of functions

Download Limits of functions for beginners with exercices, a PDF course by mathcentre. - file type pdf and size 100.69 KB, tutorial for the level Beginner .


This book covers elementary trigonometry. It is suitable for a one-semester course at the college level, though it could also be used in high schools. The prerequisites are high school algebra and geometry. PDF course. - file type pdf and size 1.53 MB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

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