Introduction to the Zend Framework in pdf

  • 1. First a digression – Smarty templates: the separation of code (model and control) and display (view)
  • 2. Using simple Zend components in isolation
  • 3. Zend_DB – help with data persistence
  • 4. Model View Control and related issues
  • 5. Zend's MVC framework

The examples have been built for an Ubuntu system with a local Apache server using NetBeans 6.9.1 and Zend 1.10. The NetBeans projects are available for download. Details of how to set up the environment are appended to this document along with links to tutorials at NetBeans and Oracle. Some examples use a MySQL server hosted on the same machine as the Apache server; others use a remote Oracle server accessed via Oracle's instant_client and its associated libraries.

Course, tutorial Summary Introduction to the Zend Framework

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