Tutorials and exercises of Excel

Excel 2013: Auditing your Work

Download free Microsoft Office Excel 2013 Auditing your Work, course tutorial training, a PDF file by Kennesaw State University. - file type pdf and size 747.61 KB, tutorial for the level Advanced .

Excel 2013: Intro to Charts

Download free Microsoft Office Excel 2013 introduction to Charts, course tutorial training, a PDF file by Kennesaw State University. - file type pdf and size 711.18 KB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

Excel 2013: Ranges & Tables

Download free Microsoft Office Excel 2013 Ranges and Tables, cours tutorial training, a PDF file by Kennesaaw State University. - file type pdf and size 520.16 KB, tutorial for the level Intermediate .

Excel 2013: Intro to Formulas and Basic Functions

Download free Microsoft Office Excel 2013 Intro to Formulas and Basic Functions, course tutorial training, a PDF file by Kennesaw State University. - file type pdf and size 580.01 KB, tutorial for the level Intermediate .

Excel 2013: Introduction

Download free Microsoft Office Introduction to Excel 2013, course tutorial training, a PDF file by Kennesaw State University. - file type pdf and size 1010.67 KB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

Excel 2011: Advanced (Pivot Tables, VLOOKUP, and IF functions)

This booklet, recommended for intermediate-level Macintosh users, has been developed to help you understand Pivot Tables, the VLOOKUP Function, and the IF Function in Excel 2011. - file type pdf and size 587.15 KB, tutorial for the level Advanced .

Excel 2011: Getting Started

This booklet, recommended for intermediate-level Macintosh users, has been developed to help you get started with Excel 2011. PDF file. - file type pdf and size 679.74 KB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

Accessibility Features In Microsoft Excel 2010

You will learn how to control the visual appearance of your spreadsheet. Additionally, best practices and effective spreadsheet structure are also covered to help you when using Excel. - file type pdf and size 700.28 KB, tutorial for the level Advanced .

Excel 2010: PivotTable, IF & VLookup Functions

This document will provide you with information on timesaving Excel features such as analyzing data with pivot tables, the IF Function, and the VLOOKUP Function, that will make your work easier. - file type pdf and size 522.6 KB, tutorial for the level Advanced .

Microsoft Excel 2010 Level 3

Download free Microsoft Office Excel 2010, Advanced level, course tutorial training, a PDF file by Kennesaw State University. - file type pdf and size 1.21 MB, tutorial for the level Advanced .

Microsoft Excel 2010 Level 2

Download free Microsoft Office Excel 2010, course tutorial training, a PDF file by Kennesaw State University. - file type pdf and size 1.07 MB, tutorial for the level Intermediate .

Microsoft Excel 2010 Level 1

This tutorial includes an introduction to the Microsoft Office 2010 interface, and covers the various aspects of creating, formatting, editing, saving, and printing a document in Word 2010. - file type pdf and size 1.23 MB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

Excel Basic: Create Formulas

Let Excel do your math for you! After an introduction to some basic functions, you’ll use a spreadsheet format to create a very simple budget. PDF file. - file type pdf and size 349.29 KB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

EXCEL 2007/2010 - Time Saving Tips & Tricks

This Excel Tips & Tricks guide addresses some popular spreadsheet features and shortcuts available that can have a great impact on your use of Excel. - file type pdf and size 842.17 KB, tutorial for the level Beginner .

Excel Analytics and Programming

Download free Excel Analytics and Programming course material, tutorial training, a PDF file by George Zhao. - file type pdf and size 3.12 MB, tutorial for the level Advanced .

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